Cooling tunnel have next features:
cool the bottled juice
or milk;or glass bottle,
heating and cooling ,two section parts.
The description of cooling tunnel are as follows:
1.This tunnel sterilizer is designed specially in pasteurism for milk, juice, drink, beer, food and drug after packing, which can help to postpone the storage period by sterilizing and cooling.
2.It is recommended as a second pasteurism in the piplining.
3.It can be prepared in different process even with high auto-controlling according to the
specific request from customer like heating, sterilizing, warm-keeping and cooling.
4.This product has been widely used by the craft brothers.
5.Its more equal, compensate and rapid than traditional water sterilization which can help to
improve the efficiency and decrease the manufacturing cost and improve market
competition for the customers.
6.The main character of this equipment is that the net can be used for a long time, and wont
bring a large distortion in high temperature, which is used the imported spray mouth to
homogenize the flow and temperature.
7.The temperature can be chosen as the PLC or PID
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